Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Power of Submission

I was putting my daughter down for a nap today and she fought. She fought so hard that she was standing, holding the rails of her crib, eyes closed refusing to lay down. Refusing to submit to her body's need for sleep. She fights sleep for different reasons sometimes it's because she's over stimulated, other times it's rebellion but if she would go right to sleep rather than fighting she would have much more awake time to play and explore.

This made me stop and examine my level of submission. There are times in my life where God's will is clear but sometimes I'm overstimulated. I get so caught up in being a wife, mother, daughter, sister, author ext. that I don't hear God clearly and as a result I don't submit to His plan or will.

Other times I may just be rebellious sure that my way will yield desirable results not wanting guidance or direction. Whatever the case may be fighting Gods will results in exhaustion and disappointment. If we submit to rather than fight to God's will we will have much more time to bask in the life He has for us.

Some hear the word submission and cringe but it's often in times of submission that you get what you need. When you set aside your plans for God's it is then that you find joy, peace, rest, and overwhelming love. He is the cure to heartbreak and loneliness, to bitterness and unforgiveness and He knows you so much better than you know you.

Proverbs 20:24

Thank you for your word. Thank you for creating each one of us with a purpose in mind. As we grow in you and yield to your plan in every area in our lives bless those areas father. We thank you for your continued work in our lives. Touch the hearts of all who read this in Jesus name, Amen

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