Friday, May 29, 2009


I was thinking about relationships yesterday, first you study the person you notice everything about them, then you began to show them things about yourself. Next thing you know your off to the honeymoon stage where everything is great and lovely. Then reality hits and things start to shift you have to began to work to understand the other person and to be understood.

This is also how it is being with Christ since we are in a relationship with him. As a new Christian we are in love, bubbly truly seeking Christ and showing Him parts of ourselves we think He hasn't seen. Then we get into the honey moon stage where you cant stop talking about Him. Then reality hits and things start to shift you have to began to work to understand God and you stop realizing He already knows you. You have to make your self study, you have to study His word and seek Him for answers.

The great thing is that in doing this you fall in love all over again. You start to notice the little amazing things He does in your life. How He goes out of His way for you. My parents have been married 23 years and my grandparents over 45 years and they have told us often that to reap the benefits of a happy, healthy marriage it takes work. So I encourage you today to go back to truly studying your first love make time for Him. He is amazing and He thinks your pretty amazing too.

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